Subtitling Services

We are proud to offer subtitling services in more than 70 languages with a team of highly qualified experts.


Professional Subtitling Services

LTA LLC offers professional multilingual subtitles in more than 70 languages. With the assistance of our linguists, engineers, technical specialists, and project managers, we’ll deliver broadcast-ready subtitles and captions that effectively communicate your content’s message to your new target audience.

We all know how frustrating wrong subtitling can be, with our team you can rest assured that your content flies through global engagement with the right message being conveyed.

Showcase Videos

You can be a business that uses videos on your website to highlight the benefits of your products. Subtitling will help the audience to easy understand.


Movie companies, marketing a movie to different language-speaking audiences would tremendously benefit from multilingual subtitles. Our team helps convey the right meaning by using localization experts along with subtitling.

Public Information Videos

Videos released to the general public must have closed-captioning, to make them accessible to the deaf or those with hearing issues to understand.

E-Learning Platform Content

Platforms that generate educational content, can very much benefit by multilingualizing their content. While voice-over is a better solution – it is usually more expensive. This is where subtitling would be very helpful if not a must, to help grow your audience and expand your business.