Transcription Services

We are proud to offer transcription services in more than 70 languages with a team of highly qualified experts.


Professional Transcription Services

LTA LLC offers expert transcribing services for over 70 languages. We have transcribed hundreds of hours of materials. In order to provide you with the most accurate transcription possible, we have an experienced team who is  proficient in the relevant language and dialects. We will adjust our transcription services to match your needs based on your project and industry.

The first step in audio/video localization services is frequently transcription. If necessary, we will also translate the transcription. Send us an email to see how we can help.

Academic Material

If you need educational material or audiovisual content transcribed, we have the right team of experts for you.


Have a speech you would like to transcribe? No matter the field, we have the right team to do proper transcription.


You can cite an interviewee verbatim from a written transcription, and you can even copy and paste key passages into other documents. More precise records can support a particular viewpoint, highlight a certain issue, or better contextualize your findings.


The audience base that is not familiar with the language used in the original commercial will grow if the adverts are transcribed.

Conference recordings

A conference transcription is a simple way to increase the effectiveness of the meetings, keep track of action items and fresh ideas.

Voice messages, phone calls

If you are reaching out to your audience via phone calls, transcription makes it able to learn about your audience, refer to key statements and highlights, share records with other members of the organization (cross-team), and analyze the success of that conversation to improve the customer experience and buyer’s journey.


If you transcribe your lectures, it will be easier for students to enter higher education. It can also benefit teachers who have trouble projecting their voices or those who work in larger classrooms. Additionally, it can benefit students from other countries who might not be native English speakers.


Journalists or television producers might develop new content by using broadcast transcriptions. These broadcast transcriptions can also be used for other things once they’ve fulfilled their original purpose. Television transcriptions are handy for everyone who didn’t have time to watch their favorite programmes and are made available online.

Podcasts and Webinars

Among other benefits, the addition of a transcript to every episode of a podcast or webinar will: Enable correct indexing of the episodes by search engines, resulting in increased search exposure. This in turn, boosts the podcast’s position on those search engine results pages (SERPs).

Depositions and Court Hearings

Depositions or Court Hearings, which serve as the witness or other party to the lawsuit’s out-of-court testimony, aid attorneys in assessing and determining the type of evidence that is available to support the case’s facts.